Articles on: My account

Password Help

Forgot your password? No worries—it happens to the best of us! Resetting your password is quick and easy:

Go to the password reset page.
Enter your email address.
Check your inbox for an email with instructions to reset your password—it should arrive in less than a minute.

Want to change your existing password?
If you remember your current password but want to update it:

Log in to your SaleHoo account.
Click on your profile thumbnail in the top-right corner and select “Settings.”
Navigate to the “Account Password” tab.
Enter your current password, your new password, and save the changes.

Password Requirements
To ensure the security of your account, SaleHoo requires strong passwords. Your password must include:

At least 8 alphanumeric characters
At least 1 special character (e.g., !@#$%^&()<>?":)
At least 1 capital letter

Still need help?
If you’re having trouble resetting or changing your password, our Customer Success Team is here to help. Contact us via chat or email using the options at the bottom of your screen, and we’ll make sure you’re back in your account in no time!

Updated on: 05/02/2025

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