Articles on: SaleHoo Dropship

Understanding shipping methods and delivery times

When you’re browsing and searching for products you’ll find ‘Delivery Estimate’ information at the bottom of each product listing.

Delivery Estimate refers to how long it should take for the product to reach your customers.

The information is provided by the supplier as an estimate, not an exact shipping time.

Shipping Options

The best place to find detailed shipping information is in your Import List.

To do this, add the product you’re interested in to your Import List.

Click on ‘Import List’ in the header menu and then navigate to the ‘Shipping Options’ tab.

There you will find all of the available shipping options for that product:

Shipping Options tab

Usually there will be several options available, which can range in cost and estimated delivery time.

You can change the ‘Ships From’ and ‘Ships To’ filters to view shipping options for other countries.

Tip: We recommend offering free worldwide shipping on your dropshipping store. This helps to overcome objections to longer shipping times. You can simply absorb the cost of shipping into the total price of your product.

Updated on: 28/12/2024

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