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How to post on the forum

The SaleHoo forum is a great place for asking questions, exchanging ideas, and connecting with like-minded online sellers from all over the world.

There are two ways to post on the forum: Make a new post or reply to an existing post.

To start a new thread or make a new post:

Select and click on the category that best fits the topic you are going to post about.

Example of forum categories (highlighted)

Click on the green "Start a New Topic" button at the top left.

How to start a new topic

In the Subject box, enter a short title for your post and put your questions/post content in the large text box.

Tick the "Notify me when a reply is posted" option if you want to be emailed every time someone replies to your post.

When you are ready to publish your post to the forum, scroll down and click the Submit button at the bottom.

Posting a new topic

To reply to an existing post:

Click on the topic post or thread you wish to reply to.
Scroll to the bottom and type in your reply.
Click the Submit button once done. Tick the "Notify me when a reply is posted" option if you want to be emailed every time someone replies to the post.

Updated on: 02/12/2024

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